On the 27th of June 2021, Emphasys Centre organised the Multiplier Event for the Erasmus+ project “I-AID: Internet Abuse Identification and personalised withdrawal strategies”.
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, some modifications to our original event plan were made. The multiplier event was split into small workshops where each group welcomed and thanked the participants for attending the event and proceeded with an introduction and presentation to the I-AID project including the projects’ aims and objections, the main results, the Open Badges System, and the four topics of the action cards that have been developed (Behavioural alternatives, Behaviour Control, Self-care, Social Engagement and Technology Use. The presentation was then followed by a Demonstration of the Internet Addiction Pal, where some of the participants answered the questionnaire to see their plan of action and read some of their action cards. At the end of the presentation of the project, some participants were given a copy of the FANZINE “Simons e-life”, which some found very funny and relatable.
Before closing off each session, time was allocated for Questions and Answers and handing out of questionnaires. To conclude each session, a Summary and conclusion of the meeting was made.
This procedure was done into 2 big groups, where each group had small subgroups to accommodate all of the participants and stay within the Covid-19 restrictions.